Raised on: 25 Jan 2023 | Product: Dealerweb Showroom
Dealerweb Showroom partial outage
You may have noticed we briefly took Showroom offline, I am pleased to say, from initial testing we can see that Showroom is back up and performing as we would normally expect.
All functionality has been restored so you should have full access to customer orders etc.
We will continue to release updates throughout the day today, however we anticipate normal service to resume by close of play this evening at the latest.
As we release these incremental updates there will be periods of downtime.
Our team has been working through the evening and we have deployed some further improvements this morning with more to follow. This means you now have full access to the Offer/Order history section allowing you to complete handovers again.
Please log out and back into the system for these improvements to show.
We appreciate that there are still performance issues present in the system and we have a further deployment happening this morning that will:
- Improve the performance issues further.
- Resolve some speed issues when saving or merging customer records.
You will see the system be taken down for around 5 minutes to implement this.
Issue identified
We have made a number of updates to improve usability. For these to take effect please log out and back in to Showroom, if you have not done so already.
We have identified an issue in the Customer Summary screen therefore we have disabled the Offer/Order History section. The Offer/Order History can still be accessed by selecting the Dealbuilder button as if you’re starting a new deal, then selecting the ‘Existing’ option to see any previously created deals. Select the deal you wish to progress and then ‘Continue’ in the top right as per the below screenshot.
We are aware that this means you temporarily will not be able to arrange or complete handovers, work is ongoing to resolve this and improve overall performance. We will ensure you are provided with updates and a resolution as soon as possible.